
Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions

Teacher School
What is Selectio?
Selectio is an online substitute teacher services that offers comprehensive solutions for the recruitment, selection and delivery (either online or in-person) of substitute teaching. Ensuring curriculum progression for students during class teacher absence.
How do I create a Selectio Account?
Teachers seeking teaching placements can create an account by selecting the ‘Register your Interest’ button on the home page or by selecting ‘Register’ in the search bar. You can then follow the steps to create a Teacher Selectio account.
What if I’ve forgotten my password?
Click on the 'Forgot Password' link. Enter your email address and click submit. An email will be sent to you that will enable you to reset your password. Please check your junk/spam folder as this email may sometimes be redirected.
What is a Teacher Selectio Dashboard?
Once a Selectio account has been created, you will be provided with a personalised dashboard within your account. This will allow you to update all personal information and upload work history easily. You can view and amend your Personal Details, amend your Alerts Subscription, register for Teaching Positions, and register for updates from Selectio containing relevant education information.
How do I search for vacancies posted on Selectio?
Substitute posts/requests are posted to your profile that are relevant to your availability and qualifications. You then can post your interest in hours offered. Teaching adverts are made available in Vacancies, which is accessible via the menu tool bar. Scroll and click through the relevant category. Note that you will not be able to view the content of the adverts until they have registered with the platform.
Is Selectio a recruitment agency?
Selectio is a recruitment agency, and it provides a facility for schools/organisations to advertise vacancies online and for teachers to also search for vacancies.
How do I find out what qualifications I need to teach in Ireland?
The Teaching Council is the professional body for teaching in Ireland and regulates standards in the profession at both primary and post primary level. The council addresses all queries concerning eligibility and qualifications to teach in Ireland. You must be a registered teacher to complete your registration on the Selectio platform. The website address for the Teaching Council is
How do I delete my account?
To request that your account is deleted please send an e-mail to requesting that your account be deleted
If I have a query, how do I contact Selectio?
Email for assistance. Alternatively, select 'Contact' on the toolbar at the top of the page, and enter your query on the 'Contact' page. Please note, queries are answered during working hours - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).
What is Selectio?
Selectio is an online substitute teacher services that offers comprehensive solutions for the recruitment, selection and delivery (either online or in-person) of substitute teaching. Ensuring curriculum progression for students during class teacher absence.
How do I register for a Selectio account?
To use Selectio, you must be a DES school. Your account will need to be verified by the account managers. Substitution position adverts can be created after account registration and verification process.
What if I've forgotten my password?
Click on the 'Forgot Password' link on Enter your school e-mail address and click submit. An email will be sent to you that will enable you to reset your password. Please check your junk/spam folder as this email may sometimes be redirected.
How do I search for a substitute teacher for my school?
Once you log into your Selectio platform account, you can access Sub Seeker on the right-hand side of the screen. Teachers with availability and relevant subject experience will be displayed upon the teacher’s expression of interest. You also have the option of selecting in person or online class delivery (online will return a greater number of options) also to seek a general sub without any preference for a particular subject.
I no longer require a substitute teacher that has not accepted an offer. Can I withdraw an unaccepted offer?
A substitute job offer can be withdrawn through the Selectio dashboard. On the dashboard, select the relevant substitute role advert, the status will show as 'Offer Sent'. Select the 'Delete' button to withdraw the offer. An email will be sent to the teacher to confirm the role has been withdrawn.
I no longer require a substitute teacher that has accepted an offer. Can I change or cancel the offer?
Through your Selectio platform account, you can edit or delete accepted offers from teachers. This is only recommended for use in exceptional circumstances.
How do I delete my account?
To request that your account is deleted please send an e-mail to requesting that your account be deleted.
If I have a query, how do I contact Selectio?
Email for assistance. Alternatively, select 'Contact' on the toolbar at the top of the page, and enter your query on the 'Contact' page. Please note, queries are answered during working hours - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).